Volunteering with us
Importance of Volunteers
We recognize that volunteers play a vital role within the foodbank and that their contribution enables us to deliver our services.
We want to ensure that there are good working relationships with volunteers, and that volunteers are well supported.
Our role is to encourage voluntary activity, and therefore, we want to take a leading role in the involvement of individuals from the community as volunteers to help deliver our services
We need people from all walks of life, who can bring their different skills and experiences to our foodbank
Volunteers bring a different perspective, often reflecting the views of the local community
Volunteers help to extend the services we are able to offer
Who is a volunteer?
A volunteer is any individual who undertakes unpaid activities on behalf of the foodbank of their own free choice. Work experience placements are different to volunteering and further guidance should be sought from volunteer foodbank manager.
Volunteers may be involved in short or long-term activities or as a one off. Typical activities may include:
Supporting fundraising or awareness raising events
Involvement in direct delivery of our services and projects
Working in our unit
Uplifting donations and making deliveries
Our full Volunteer policy can be read by clicking here.
We love our volunteers?
We honestly couldn't do what we do without the wonderful volunteers we have. They give of their time and energy willingly, they are committed, generous, kind, selfless and so much more. We want everyone who volunteers with us to know how valued and appreciated they are.
Last year we hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Afternoon Tea, as one way of saying thank you.

What our Volunteers say:

Please contact our Community Outreach Worker, Karen (Karen@calderwoodbaptist.co.uk) to find out more or ask about any current volunteering opportunities.