March 2023
Hi again everyone,
I can’t believe it is March already. Where does the time go? At the end of last year, we highlighted our intention to gather our CAP volunteers together for some training. We are now looking forward to a morning of fellowship on Saturday the 25th of March at the Stables in Hunter House. Our volunteers will be able to come along and ask any questions about the role where we will have the opportunity to go into some more detail.
Our CAP Champions for our partnership churches are:
Moncrieff Church - Fiona Lamont
East Mains Baptist Church - Raye Higgins
Calderwood Baptist Church - Alan Wilkin
Church@Lindsayfield - TBD
Westwood Baptist Church - Gavin Lynch
Claremont Parish Church - TBD
Our Champions are a designated point of contact for congregations at each church to be a link to our Debt Centre. Our partnership churches are a huge driving force that enables the Debt Centre to be run and we are continually grateful for their support. I am due to speak at Claremont Parish Church on the 23rd of April, where I have the privilege of sharing more information about CAP and sharing from scripture as well.
One of our Debt Coaches, Fiona Lamont, had a really encouraging testimony from one of her clients, which I have shared below. It’s these kind of stories that make this job worthwhile.
“A new client was allocated an unfurnished flat to rent by the council and received help for only white goods and a bed. Through CAP head office, we were able to purchase a kettle and a toaster, while a member of one of our partnership churches donated a microwave and towels. Through the debt centres contacts we were able to source everything else needed to let him move into his new home. He was overwhelmed by the support he received and said “I came to CAP for help with my finances, thank you for helping to fix this and so much more”.
This is just one of the testimonies that we have been privileged to be a part of. We ask for your prayers going forward as we continue to serve the Lord and the people of East Kilbride.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! (Ephesians 3:20-21)
If you'd like to find out more about the work of CAP, if you'd like to get involved as a volunteer, or if you, or someone you know, requires support from our team, please contact me on 07305181820 or email

In Him,