October 2022
Hi again everyone,
I can’t believe I have been in post since August. After a shaky start due to my family’s first brush with Covid, things are starting to get busy at the debt centre. I have been able to get round most of the partnership churches to properly introduce myself and even managed to share more information when my family and I visited Westwood Baptist recently so thanks to Mark Pexton and the congregation for such a warm welcome.
I have also made contact with the East Kilbride Job Centre and been given an excellent opportunity to promote the work we are doing to an organisation that works closely with people whom may need our help. Furthermore, I have also been given the opportunity to work from the Job Centre once a month and be on hand to speak with their clients directly about how CAP may be able to help them.
Prayer points
As partnership churches if you would be able to pray for the people out there that feel that they have no way out. A staggering 35% of current CAP clients have felt like attempting or have attempted suicide.
Please pray that we are able to market our strategy in areas where the people that need us most are able to hear about the work we do.
Our prayer is that people with debt will feel empowered enough to make the call to CAP - this is a huge step for people so a specific prayer point here would be for these people to have the courage to make that first step and calling the CAP number on 0800 328 006.
The author of the book of Jude finishes their letter by highlighting Jesus in the most wonderful way as they point to Him in all his glory. May this encourage you as it was meant to encourage its original audience and may the people we serve at the East Kilbride Debt centre come to know our wonderful God.
“To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord before all ages, now and for ever more! Amen”
If you'd like to find out more about the work of CAP or if you, or someone you know, requires support from our team, please contact me on 07305181820 or email

In Him,