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Looking at the Lord's Supper

13th September 2021

Looking Out

Remembering is powerful. It is why we can be moved to tears when we remember a departed loved one even years after their death. It is why we can recall significant moments often with great clarity – sometimes even remembering tiny details like smells and sounds. And we remember, often tangibly, how we felt when something happened.

And, therefore, what we experienced doesn’t just remain in the past but is also part of our present. The departed loved one who was a huge part of our past is still, though absent, a great part of our lives today.

When it comes to the Lord’s Supper, we do not only remember an event in history (Jesus’ death) or an event in our lives (our conversion). Instead, our remembrance of Jesus’ death has a great impact on our lives today. Paul says that every time we eat and drink the Lord’s Supper, we proclaim Jesus’ death.

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Lying between Jesus’ death in history and His return in the future is the present act of proclamation – an act that we carry out when we take the Lord’s Supper.

Who are we proclaiming to? Ourselves

When we participate in the Lord’s Supper, we are proclaiming Christ’s death in our own lives. The act of remembering what Christ has done for us causes us to, once again, declare our own trust in His death for our life. We come to the Lord’s Supper in the midst of our ever-changing lives – the circumstances and emotions we bring to the Lords’ table can change almost every time – but the Lord’s Supper allows us to declare to ourselves that Christ’s death is our only hope. We are able to consider the trials that we face and proclaim that Christ’s death is sufficient over every trial. We can consider the good things in life we experience and proclaim that Christ’s death is still where our hope lies.

Who are we proclaiming to? The Church

Who needs to hear the gospel? Your first answer is probably the lost – those who don’t know Jesus (and they do). But I’d say, the church needs to hear the gospel first. Christians need to hear the gospel again and again. And if Christians stop hearing the gospel, I’d suggest the lost won’t hear it either. Because the lost will only hear the gospel if we are regularly hearing it and being captivated by it.

So the Lord’s Supper is an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to one another. When we take the Lord’s Supper together, we proclaim to each other that we are placing all of our trust in Christ’s death. And we remind each other of the goodness of the gospel.

Who are we proclaiming to? The World

It perhaps sounds rather grand to say that the Lord’s Supper proclaims Christ's death to the world. But, by world, I mean those who do not belong to the church. Those who are not yet Christians. This may include our children who may, sometimes, witness us taking the Lord’s Supper and who we teach what it means. It may include those who do not yet believe but who are in attendance at a service and who, by watching our participation, see and hear the gospel.

But the Lord’s Supper goes even further. Because when we devote ourselves to the Lord’s Supper and allow the power of the gospel to transform our hearts, we become those who are increasingly captivated by Jesus and His gospel. And people who are captivated by Jesus and His gospel are people who share the gospel with the lost.

So as we proclaim Christ's death over our own lives and to one another,. the Lord’s Supper fuels us to go and share Jesus with others.


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A Warm Hello 

Thank you for visiting our website. At the very heart of Calderwood Baptist Church is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ shows us what God is like and how we can have a relationship with God. And we believe that the only way to have this relationship with God is through Jesus' death and resurrection, which provides forgiveness and life to all who believe. It is our desire to share this life transforming news with people throughout East Kilbride and further afield.

Whether you're looking for a church or are interested in exploring Christianity, we hope you'll connect with us and begin to explore the good news about Jesus Christ. We are a church where you can connect with us and find a welcoming and loving community with a desire to serve you. We are a place where you can explore Christianity and find out who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. We are a church where you are invited to belong to our family who are united by our faith in Jesus and our trust in his saving death.

We are also a church that loves our community here in East Kilbride so we have a variety of ministries that seek to serve our community - information about these is included in our website. If there are other ways that we can serve you, please do reach out to us.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Our Sunday services are a great way to connect with us and to begin your journey of getting to know us as a church and getting to know who Jesus is. You'll also get the chance to meet different people, some who have been Christians for a long time, some who are quite new to faith, and others who are still exploring. We really do our best to make everyone welcome!

You can also connect with us through a number of mid-week ministries that we run for our community and through our coffee shop, Hunter House Coffee Shop.

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Across Congregation to Front 1


At Calderwood, our desire is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known. Everything that we need to know about our Lord Jesus Christ is found in his living word, the Bible. So we take the Bible seriously, we read it and listen to it so we can hear what God is saying to us. If you would like to explore who Jesus is and how he came into the world to rescue us, we'd encourage you to read a bit of the Bible with a Christian friend.

We would be happy to give you a Bible and direct you to some good places to start. We'd also be happy to connect you with a Christian who would be happy to read some of the Bible with you. This is a great way to explore the Bible, discuss it, and hear how it has changed someone else's life.

Who is Jesus?
Start exploring Christianity

Youth Study


When we belong to Jesus Christ, we also belong to his family, the church. The church is a global family who are united by their belief in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. As a local church, we seek to live as family at Calderwood Baptist Church. Entrance into this family comes through faith in our Lord Jesus and our desire to live with Jesus, for Jesus, and according to his word. As a church, we extend an invitation to belong to Christ's family as we make him known and invite people to respond to the significance of Jesus in their lives. We practice baptism as a sign of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we take membership of Christ's church seriously as we seek to live together as a community of grace.

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If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
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Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.