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Robert Murray McCheyne said, ‘The purest joy in the world is joy in Christ Jesus.’ 
In these posts, I want to share some reflections on joy and where, as Christians, we can find our joy.

Be Joyful!

1st February 2021

In Philippians chapter 4, Paul says rejoice always! So brothers and sisters, it’s as simple as that – we just need to locate the joy switch, flick it on, and we will experience joy.

But that isn’t what Paul says, is it?

Although, as Christians, that is sometimes how we can approach joy. We can think that we have to feel happy all the time. Or we have to look into ourselves and muster up joy. And when we find that doesn’t work, we can become despondent and discouraged. I wonder if you’ve ever had a bad day and someone has said ‘just cheer up’. The comment isn’t helpful or encouraging! And it’s not even possible. Is that what Paul is saying, ‘just be joyful’?

Well, the key is to be found in what Paul actually says to the Philippians,

‘Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say, Rejoice.’ (Philippians 4:4)

Religions and philosophies throughout the world tell people to look into themselves for their joy, satisfaction, and peace. Only Christianity says, ‘Rejoice in the Lord’. Only Christianity says, look outside yourself to one who is greater and He will give you His joy. We have a joyful God and He is the source of our joy. We are not those who rejoice in ourselves, our situation, or our achievements – for these things may provide happiness but never lasting joy – but rather are those who find our joy in the Lord. And because our joy is dependent on our joyful God who is eternal, loving, unchanging, and sovereign, we are able to rejoice in Him always – not just when things are good but through all of life.

Paul knew this to be true – his persecutions, beatings, imprisonments, shipwrecks, rejection, and anxieties were no reason for him to feel joyful in himself or his situation – he knew that his joy was found in the Lord, the source of his joy and of ours.

Immediately after this instruction to rejoice in Jesus, Paul speaks about anxiety. R.C. Sproul says this is because anxiety is the enemy of joy. There is certainly much to be anxious about in our world, much to be afraid of and worried about in our lives. We are fragile human beings with fragile minds. Jesus knew this to be true when he taught people not to worry about tomorrow for today’s troubles are sufficient on their own. Thankfully, Jesus is not silent on the issue of anxiety but gently counsels us to place our trust in our loving Heavenly Father who provides for us and cares for us. And Paul encourages us to demonstrate that trust by drawing near to God in prayer. Finding joy that overcomes our anxieties is found in drawing near to Jesus, the source of our joy, and focussing our hearts and minds on Him.

The Gift of Joy

As we focus on the source of our joy, we can also remind ourselves that joy is a gift from God, which is given to His people. We find these words in Ecclesiastes,

‘For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy’ (Ecclesiastes 2:26)

We know that by our union with Christ we please God and so are those who receive God’s gift of joy. And Paul names joy as a fruit of the Spirit, which is given to all who believe and is evidence of the Spirit’s work in our lives. As Paul writes to the church in Rome, it is God who graciously fills believers with joy and peace.

And while, at times, our joy may wain or feel illusive, it surely serves to remind us that God’s eternal future for us is to dwell with Him and, in His presence, live forever in His perfect joy. The joy we experience imperfectly now is a foretaste of the joy we shall one day experience fully, perfectly, and without limit in the presence of Jesus. Until then, we draw near to Him, the source of all joy, trusting in Him, giving Him our anxieties in prayer, and asking that He would continue to fill us with His joy through the power of His Spirit.


Next week - 'Finding Joy through Abiding in Christ'

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Thank you for visiting our website. At the very heart of Calderwood Baptist Church is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ shows us what God is like and how we can have a relationship with God. And we believe that the only way to have this relationship with God is through Jesus' death and resurrection, which provides forgiveness and life to all who believe. It is our desire to share this life transforming news with people throughout East Kilbride and further afield.

Whether you're looking for a church or are interested in exploring Christianity, we hope you'll connect with us and begin to explore the good news about Jesus Christ. We are a church where you can connect with us and find a welcoming and loving community with a desire to serve you. We are a place where you can explore Christianity and find out who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. We are a church where you are invited to belong to our family who are united by our faith in Jesus and our trust in his saving death.

We are also a church that loves our community here in East Kilbride so we have a variety of ministries that seek to serve our community - information about these is included in our website. If there are other ways that we can serve you, please do reach out to us.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Our Sunday services are a great way to connect with us and to begin your journey of getting to know us as a church and getting to know who Jesus is. You'll also get the chance to meet different people, some who have been Christians for a long time, some who are quite new to faith, and others who are still exploring. We really do our best to make everyone welcome!

You can also connect with us through a number of mid-week ministries that we run for our community and through our coffee shop, Hunter House Coffee Shop.

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At Calderwood, our desire is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known. Everything that we need to know about our Lord Jesus Christ is found in his living word, the Bible. So we take the Bible seriously, we read it and listen to it so we can hear what God is saying to us. If you would like to explore who Jesus is and how he came into the world to rescue us, we'd encourage you to read a bit of the Bible with a Christian friend.

We would be happy to give you a Bible and direct you to some good places to start. We'd also be happy to connect you with a Christian who would be happy to read some of the Bible with you. This is a great way to explore the Bible, discuss it, and hear how it has changed someone else's life.

Who is Jesus?
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When we belong to Jesus Christ, we also belong to his family, the church. The church is a global family who are united by their belief in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. As a local church, we seek to live as family at Calderwood Baptist Church. Entrance into this family comes through faith in our Lord Jesus and our desire to live with Jesus, for Jesus, and according to his word. As a church, we extend an invitation to belong to Christ's family as we make him known and invite people to respond to the significance of Jesus in their lives. We practice baptism as a sign of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we take membership of Christ's church seriously as we seek to live together as a community of grace.

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Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.